Three generations using Anzac Sight and Sounds to learn about World War I and what it meant for their family back then.
Ngā Taonga logo

Connecting two countries by unearthing the sights and sounds of our Anzac heritage

Anzac Sights and Sounds website


Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Australian Film Archive


Website design and development


Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision and Australian Film Archive


Website design and development

“Anzac Sights and Sounds has been great— it's small and self-contained and it's perfectly's been incredibly successful”
Diane Pivac
Diane Pivac, Principal Curator of Ngā Taonga

The Goal

A creative process

Anzac Sights and Sounds showcases the New Zealand and Australian film, audio and visual archives of World War 1. Developed in collaboration with Ngā Taonga and the Australian Film Archive, the project brief was simple: video was to be the star of the site.

We worked with Ngā Taonga from the outset, using creative activities and exercises to help them form their project vision. This process gave them the opportunity to solidify their thoughts on the outcomes they wished to achieve.

Mockup showing the results of our Anzac Sights and Sounds website design and development work, on desktop and mobile devices.

The Approach

Design that lets you explore and feel

The concept phase also informed the direction of our design team. Their interface design creates a delightful network of connections between the potentially overwhelming wealth of resources on the site. The design aesthetic, including the layering of images, gives a hint of what it might feel to be in the trenches.

We worked very closely with the Ngā Taonga team to produce a site showcasing their World War 1 content that is clear and interactive and that lets users discover content in an organic way.

Checking out a video on the Anzac Sights and Sounds website.

The Result

Award recognises excellence in the field

As well as delighting users, the site earned Ngā Taonga the recognition of their peers. The site won the award for the best new digital exhibition or collection at the inaugural National Digital Forum Awards. The NDF is the peak body for digital cultural heritage, making the award especially gratifying.

NDF Award Winner

Best new digital exhibition or collection

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Best new digiʇɐl exhibᴉtiou or collǝction

Best new digitɐl exhibᴉtiou or collection

Best new digital exhibitiou or collection

Mockup showing the Homefronts section of the Anzac Sights and Sounds website on a tablet.
Check out the Anzac Sights and Sounds website

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