Three school kids checking out resources they’ve found online with help from the AnyQuestions librarians.
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Setting kids up for success in the information age by giving them the skills to learn online

National Library's Any Questions website

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Department of Internal Affairs


Website design and development


Department of Internal Affairs


Website design and development

“Students and teachers are delighted with the new site, finding it welcoming and easy to use.”
Rob Bagient
Rob Baigent, National Manager of AnyQuestions

The Mission

Focus on kids fuels success

AnyQuestions offers free online schoolwork help for kiwi school students. The multi-award winning site lets kids chat online with librarians who help the students find and recognise reliable sources of information, building vital information literacy skills.

The National Library already had an AnyQuestions website. However they knew they needed a tool that school-age children would actively want to use, so they asked Boost to design and develop a new site. By focussing closely on understanding and meeting the needs of schoolkids, the site has seen usage jump by 74%.

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Usage increase for new site

Mockup showing the results of our AnyQuestions website design and development work on desktop and mobile.

The Process

How we met user needs

To build a site that kids love to use we:

  1. went into schools to research what designs kids would respond to

  2. created a relatable set of characters to make the students feel at home

  3. used the Foundation framework to build a responsive site that works across devices

  4. integrated the ManyAnswers site so AnyQuestions is useful even when the librarians aren’t online

  5. created multiple pathways and methods for finding ManyAnswers’ many answers

  6. tested the work in progress with schoolkids.

To make chatting a seamless experience we also embedded a new Software as a Service (SaaS) LiveChat tool. The great relationship we developed with the LiveChat team led to them giving us a beta version of an embeddable LiveChat widget, saving considerable time and money.

AnyQuestions website set up on a desktop computer and a tablet, ready for the user testing that was a key part of the website design and development process.

The Result

Creating a connection

We clearly saw the connection the students feel with the site during our user testing. When we were showing a prototype to a group of schoolkids a young boy pointed to one of the characters. “That’s me!” he said.

A schoolkid using the AnyQuestions website on a tablet.
Check out the Any Questions website

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